Saturday, June 2, 2012

New Admin Roles for Facebook

Having multiple Admins means that you can share the work of keeping your Facebook page up-to-date.  However, it can also mean more work supervising your admins.  Facebook has made some recent changes to the Admin permissions which should cut down on the time spent supervising your admins!

Now you can assign Admins different roles.  For instance, if one of your staffmembers simply needs data to show how effective your Facebook page is, you can make them an insight analyst.  Another staffer could be an advertiser, they can create ads and see their effectiveness, but they cannot post or delete comments on the page.  

This ability to assign roles can help you to develop expertise, while minimizing risk.  I still see some Facebook pages out there that purport to be organizations that have posts from the page using the pronoun "I".  As the reader, I often wonder who is "I"?  Is that the CEO? Is it the marketing director? Or is it an intern?  As someone interested in using social media to support and inform, I think these new Admin roles will help organizations to be both effective and authentic.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Here are the handouts for the Tips, Tactics and Tripwires session at the 33rd Annual Massachusetts Early Intervention ConsortiumHere is the Agenda for our Session, Thursday, May 10th, 2012.

We'll start the session with a Self-Assessment. This will enable participants to gauge their awareness of and use of various social media platforms. We'll then discuss various social media platforms, how they work and how people are using them to inform and support families of young children with disabilities. Here is a handout describing some of the Technology Tips we'll be discussing. After lunch we will begin on a group activity using the following Scenarios and Worksheet.

After groups report out participants will have the opportunity to identify their own Outcomes and activities they may embark on after the training. We will use this blogspot as a way to continue to share and support one another as we try different activities.
Finally, participants are asked to complete this Evaluation so that we may use your feedback to make improvements to this workshop.

Stay In Touch

Don't forget to "Like" our Tips, Tactics and Tripwires page here: Tips, Tactics & Tripwires and our company Facebook page here: StrategyWorks.  

Sharing web content that is not already on Facebook, to Facebook

One of the easiest ways to “capture” web content, both hyperlinks and images from other websites and share it to Facebook is to use a browser plug-in.  One plug-in that is easy to use and you can place as a shortcut on your browser tab is: Add This.  You will have an orange-red button with a white plus sign installed on your browser bookmark list.  Once installed in your browser toolbar, you can customize to list the social media sites you use most.   You can then share a webpage via email, to Facebook, twitter, blogger, Pinterest, etc.,  

Now you can easily share any website you find! If you are signed into Facebook and using it as your page, and then use add this to share some content, it will be shared as your page.  If you are signed in as yourself and use add this to share some content, it will be shared as your profile.

Generally, one wants to sprinkle Facebook posts throughout the day, and avoid posting a series of shares at one time.  This annoys your followers and reduces the importance of your posts.  Recent analytic studies show that shares of posts are highest on Saturday mornings. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pinning or Adding to Pinterest

At the top of your Pinterest page you will see a header, with the word Add, if you click on that you will see the following window:

 To add a link, just hover over add a pin,

 that will open the following window:

just type or past the link to the site you would like to pin, you'll see the next window, where you can decide where to pin your image:

Then you can give your pin a good description, which will encourage others to repin your pin.

Uploading a Pin

You can also click on the Add button and you will be able to hover over Upload a Pin:

This will allow you to upload an image from your computer. Again, you will see the following window:

just type or past the link to the site you would like to pin, you'll see the next window, where you can decide where to pin your image:

Then you can give your pin a good description, which will encourage others to repin your pin.

Pinterest: Setting up your boards

When you first create a Pinterest profile you begin with some pre-titled boards--shown above.You can rename these boards, or delete them altogether and create your own boards. Below you can see some of the boards I created:

How do you Pinterest?

Above is as screenshot of my Pinterst home page. You can write your own profile, I have chosen a photo of a cactus and a brief description of my lack of design/crafty talents. As you can see I have 21 boards, with 861 pins, 143 folks are following all of my activities, with over 300 folks following my EI Ideas board. The first step is find other users you know, either through email or Facebook. You can then begin pinning, which is what Pinterest is really all about!

Finding others to Follow

If you link your Pinterest site to your email and/or facebook you will be notified whenever a friend joins Pinterest, and you can decide to follow all or some of their boards. The list of potential friends to follow will show up on the lefthand side of your Pinterest dashboard. This sidebar will let you know who has begun following you, or following one of your boards and who has repinned your pins!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Pinterest really comes out of the design world. Users have boards, think inspiration boards or bulletin boards. Onto which they "pin" images. You can follow other users, their individual pins or just repin their finds to your own boards. When you first join you start with some generic boards, onto which you can pin your first finds. You can also create your own boards, with their own names. The fun is watching what is hot and popular (more on that later). I am using some of my boards to collect ideas around early intervention and assistive technology, as you may be able to see here:

Popular Pins
One can find, that like Alice you drop into a rabbit hole when hanging out on Pinterest, so beware! You can view all pins, or search by categories, you canget lost, nah sucked into viewing loads of boards and pins! 

Once I realized that I wanted to collect pins that reflected images around early intervention and assistive technology I first searched the kids section. There I found many other images from OTs, PTs, and SLPs and teachers. I went back to some of my tried and true websites and started pinning those images as well.  And then I thought, wait a second, I am repinning from others, why not invite those folks to pin to my board?  And you should see how it has exploded, at last count I have up to 300 followers on some of my boards and I'm not doing all of the work!   

Here's a shot of my EI Board, which you can follow here:

Are you using Pinterest?  If so, I'd like to follow you and read about what you are doing with your boards.